sábado, 15 de junio de 2013

I'm coming home.

I'm coming home
I'm coming home
Tell the world I'm coming...home.

Aunque no quiero copiar a la ex becada Claudia Lopez (claudiadventures.blogspot.com) , esta cancion es perfecta para una ultima entrada, como ella ya demostro. Llevo cantandola como dos semanas, asi que, que mejor que ponerla aqui?

Hoy es 15 de Junio del 2013. Exactamente llevo en los Estados Unidos 10 meses (como se nos retraso el avion y otras cosas) y me apetece escribir en ingles.

After all the great experiences I had this year, with two different host families who showed me different ways of viewing their country, three sports which helped me meet wonderful people that I will always remember and millions of things that I've learned during these months, now it's time to say goodbye. And I would love to say it's a 'see you soon' , but I know some people I won't see again. I hope I have the opportunity to see some of them. The only thing I wanna say is thank you. Thanks to both of my American families for being patient, teaching me things I don't know, trying to understand me when I can't speak English and helping with everything I needed when everything I'd known was thousands of miles away from me. Gracias a mi familia espanhola, por apoyarme con este suenho mio y por dejarme venir, aun cuando no les hacia mucha ilusion dejar a su hijita por 10 meses. Gracias por enfadaros conmigo en Skype y por entenderme cuando no puedo hablar Espanhol y lo unico que me sale es Spanglish.
Tambien a las Fundanciones Amancio Ortega y Pedro Barrie, que dan una oportunidad increible a 75 estudiantes cada anho, y subiendo. No habria podido hacer esto sin ellos.

So, tomorrow I'll say goodbye to my American families and to my friends, to start my trip back to Spain where I will see the people I left there. I will miss you all, thank you for everything and never forget about me, I'll never forget you.

I love you all,
